Business Intelligence Services

At Sonora & Associates, we understand that business intelligence is about so much more than just data. If you’re looking for a comprehensive business intelligence solution, Sonora & Associates is the right choice. We offer a wide range of services that will help you make better decisions and increase profitability. With our wealth of experience, deep expertise, and technical acumen we can help you get the most out of your business intelligence solution. Contact us today to learn more!

Business intelligence can mean different things to different people and with the explosion of technology capabilities, so too have the number of terms grown. It’s caused a blurring of lines between certain disciplines as some of these capabilities and technologies are even more intertwined.

Business intelligence has become a bigger term as we can now squeeze more technologies, capabilities, and terms under its purview. Broadly speaking, business intelligence spans both processes and technologies (capabilities) to convert an organization’s data into knowledge.

It includes data warehouses, data mining, data analytics, data visualization, data lakes, etc, and includes the tools and best practice processes to enable the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in both structured and unstructured data sets.

Our Case Study

Department of Justice Financial Analytics & Business Intelligence